Ataxia | Define Ataxia at

Historical Examples

Does not get on feet when turned on side; ataxia well marked.

His name was Sabathier, and for fifteen years he had been stricken with ataxia.

It seemed he was suffering from a form of ataxia, rapid in its progress and very painful.

Consequently it would be indicated under all circumstances where a nervous affection seemed to depend upon a state of ataxia.

She married a thirty-year-old active business man, in whom ataxia developed a year after marriage.

The usefulness of electricity in ataxia has been denied by some authors, while others praise it indiscriminately.

He had no ataxia or loss of sensibility in the upper half of the body.

Slight scoliosis of the vertebral column and a misshapen right foot recalled Friedreich's ataxia.

ataxia had declared itself; he was able to walk now only leaning on his servant's arm.

While I have used it with good effect in other conditions, it is in ataxia that I have found it of most value.

British Dictionary definitions for ataxia Expand

(pathol) lack of muscular coordination

Derived Forms

ataxic, atactic, adjective

Word Origin

C17: via New Latin from Greek: lack of coordination, from a-1 + -taxia, from tassein to put in order

Word Origin and History for ataxia Expand

also anglicized as ataxy, "irregularity of bodily functions," 1610s, "confusion, disorder," medical Latin, from Greek ataxia, from a-, privative prefix, + taxis "arrangement, order," from stem of tassein "to arrange" (see tactics). Pathological sense is attested from 1660s.

ataxia in Medicine Expand

ataxia ataxia (-tk's-) or ataxy (-tk's) n. Loss of the ability to coordinate muscular movement. Also called dyssynergia, incoordination.

ataxia in Science Expand

Ataxia | Define Ataxia at

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