Your Regularly Scheduled Riddle

SOLVED by Dwight at 12: 32 CDT.

Here we are again, another week passed.  Are you ready to relax and turn your mind to more trivial pursuits?  Excellent!

You’ll find today’s riddle subject in the real world, and since you’re kicked back, relaxed, and ready to play, we’ll jump right in:

You’ll find today’s answer wandering through our own backyard.

So near, yet so far away… this was not known to early man.

The more we know about this, the more complex and interesting it becomes.

In modern use, this has become a figure of speech.

This was a first for mathematics.

You’ll find today’s answer hanging out with 13 friends.


Modern references to today’s subject show up in music, literature, and philosophy.

Modern observation suggest today’s subject goes through seasonal variations.

We may be seeing Saturn’s future when we look at today’s answer.

And that’s that.  A quick, fun riddle for your amusement… I doubt it takes you long to solve.  I’ll be hanging out in the comments as usual, so come keep me company.  If you try to email your answer to me, I may not get it.  I’m having trouble with my email today.

Good luck!

Mama Mia!

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