YAY – A New Book

Simon & Schuster has a new book out on its Free Press label by Maceleo Gleiser, A Tear At The Edge Of Creation.

Dr. Gleiser, long a believer and researcher for the String Theory, has given up his ideals of a unified, universal “answer” to the origins of matter and the universe and takes off in an entirely new direction.  His book, “A radical new vision for life in an imperfect universe”, stems from his new belief that life, as complex organisms, is extremely rare.  So rare, in fact, that we are virtually “alone” in the universe.  Dr. Gleiser then believes that we have an overwhelming mission to preserve life here on Earth, and even to spread our version of it further out into the universe.

In his book, Dr. Gleiser puts forth the idea that nature and the universe are basically asymmetrical and imperfect, and that we all stem from these imperfections.  That there is no “final theory” (as in the String Theory).

A Tear At The Edge Of Creation is an engaging and interesting read.  Dr. Gleiser presents his ideas cleanly, and his position is well-thought and well-researched.  The book is logically presented and easily followed.  At about 255 pages of text (hardback), it is a great “rainy day” book to keep you awake and alert.  I think it’s a good selection for your home library.   I certainly enjoyed it, especially the “We Are All Mutants” chapter.

Dr. Gleiser is a professor at Dartmouth College, and the author of three other books:  The Prophet and the Astronomer, The Dancing Universe, and A Harmonia Do Mundo.  He has been featured in several TV documentaries, including Stephen Hawking’s Universe, and The History Channel’s Beyond the Big Bang.

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