Why do Stars Twinkle? What are Pulsars? – Video

Why do Stars Twinkle? What are Pulsars?
Never miss an episode. Subscribe here: goo.gl Watch SciTunes: goo.gl Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It #39;s time to learn what you really are. In this episode of the Big Bang Query, I explore why Stars Twinkle and why Pulsars were once known as Little Green Men. Watch and Learn =) Connect with me: Find me on FaceBook: goo.gl Find me on Twitter: goo.gl My Blog: goo.gl Credits: Written, Filmed, Performed, Edited by Mike Wilson aka Coma Niddy Music by Mike Wilson aka Coma Niddy Animation by NASA Sources: NASA imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov history.nasa.gov Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com Bad Astronomy http://www.badastronomy.comFrom:comaniddyViews:9 3ratingsTime:03:07More inScience Technology

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Why do Stars Twinkle? What are Pulsars? - Video

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