When I Grow Up, I Want To Be An Enigma

UPDATE:  Solved by Alex at 12:10 CDT

Welcome to Saturday.  It is Saturday, right?  I went around all day yesterday thinking it was Thursday, so I’m currently suspended somewhere between Friday and Saturday.  Like a bug stuck in amber.

So!  With that charming visual to work with, let’s get going on that riddle.

The answer to today’s riddle will be found in reality:

Mmmmmmm - looks nummy

You shouldn’t look too far away, all things considered.

On one hand, this has to do with hope and inspiration…

… on the other hand, it’s just flat stealing something which doesn’t belong to you.

Painting by Jacob Jordaens 1593 - 1678

It looks like this has been cranking up for at least 32 years.

While it’s not exactly the tip of an iceberg, it very well may be the tip of an ocean.

This has something significant in common with burning hair.

(yes, it really is a feather)

It owes a lot to being sandwiched between a rock and a hard place (that’s not so hard, really)…

… and to being perturbed.

As distinct as this thing is in itself, it sits on something that really draws comments.

Image by Koomori No Kisaki

There you go.  How’s that for a fine collection of confusion?  You know where to find me.

complex math problem solved

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