U.S. Public on Global Warming: “Been There, Done That, No Big Issue” | The Intersection

Gallup has new data on the public and climate change; and I’ve devoted my latest DeSmogBlog piece to discussing it. Let’s just say the latest news is not….good:

Public concern about climate change, Gallup reports, is “stable at lower levels”—just 51 percent say they worry significantly about global warming, down from 66 percent in 2007. If you don’t think that the rise of an ever-more-assured climate denialism in Congress is tied to those numbers, you don’t know politics.

As usual, the latest survey also underscores the depth of the partisan divide on the climate issue. Democrats are 40 percentage points more likely to worry about global warming than Republicans, and 35 percentage points more likely to agree with scientists that global warming is human caused. Republicans, meanwhile, are 45 percentage points more likely to claim global warming is exaggerated in the news. Lovely.

You can read the full Gallup results here and my full DeSmogBlog commentary here.

P.S.: I’m about to head out of the country for a friend’s wedding. My blogging will probably be light to nonexistent for a week, but Sheril will be here…

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