Two weeks, two geeks: Mythbusters edition | Bad Astronomy

geekaweek_adamsavageI’ve told you about Geek A Week before: artist Len Peralta is interviewing one Alpha Nerd ever week, and drawing a cool trading card for each. I was honored to be included, and I also mentioned my friend Brea Grant was one as well.

Len recently interviewed two other friends of mine: Adam Savage, and Grant Imahara. Yeah, two of the Mythbusters! You can grab Adam’s interview here, and Grant’s here.

Grant’s interview was interesting to me because I didn’t know his history. Well, I do now after hearing him talk about it, and he’s done a lot of very cool stuff. I really enjoyed his interview; he has an attitude about a lot of things he’s done (and still doing) that I find simpatico. It was fun to listen to.

geekaweek_grantimaharaAdam’s interview may surprise you. Most people know him through the TV show, of course, but you only get a glimpse of who he is there. If you’ve seen him talk at Dragon*Con or TAM, you know he is a man of deep intelligence, and dare I say wisdom. He is passionate, and — largely self-taught — has depth to his musings.

While I found myself laughing as I listened to Adam, I also found myself thinking about what he was saying. For example, when asked what quality he values most in other people, he said, "the ability to adapt to change". That’s an excellent answer, I must say. If everyone could adapt to change willingly and rapidly, how much better would the world be? Creationism would disappear over night, as would most forms of denialism.

His other answers are similarly thoughtful and interesting. When it was over, I was really goofily proud of him. If you’re a Mythbusters fan, I strongly urge you to listen to both those interviews. You’ll like ‘em.

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