The Universe, Season 4

Coming up on the 15th, we have the bonus riddle.  Tom and I are working on that now, but we have the prize ready to ship out to the winner.

The Universe, Season 4 DVD collector’s set will be sure to keep you glued to your seat.  The episodes are interesting, with appeal to a wide range of educational backgrounds and age groups.  The graphics are well done; I didn’t once roll my eyes and mutter, “Yeah, right.”  The 12 episodes are divided 3 per disc, with extra’s on the 4th disc.

The episodes deal with a good mix of subjects, some close to home (“10 Ways To Destroy The Earth”), and some not (“Death Stars”).  They are easy to follow, even when dealing with some complex topics (Pulsars & Quasars”).

I can see these DVDs working equally well in the home or classroom.  The 4 DVDs are in individual cases, so it’s easy to find a specific episode and go right to it.  I think you’ll find it hard not to sit and watch all 12 episodes at once.  I did.

So, get ready to rumble on March 15th, and solve the bonus riddle.  We have one more “regular” riddle to go (on the 13th); one last chance to be eligible for the bonus riddle and a shot at winning The Universe Season 4 DVD set.

By the way, the set I reviewed is NOT the set we’ll be mailing out as a prize!

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