The new Doctor Who | Bad Astronomy

doctorwhologoI just watched the series opener for the fifth season of Doctor Who, with the new guy, Matt Smith. No spoiler warnings needed here, because I won’t give away anything. I’ll just say…




I wasn’t sure if Smith could fill David Tennant’s shoes, but now I think he can. Whatever it takes to play The Doctor, whatever intangible quality an actor needs, Smith has it. This looks like it’ll be a very, very good series, especially with Steven Moffat at the helm. Oh yes.

And near the end, there is an excellent moment (one I knew was coming but still got to me) that hands the series over to Smith. Mr. Moffat, my hat’s off to you. Well done, sir.

So, when you get a chance, watch it. BBC America premiers it tomorrow, Saturday April 17.

In the meantime, this mathematical analysis of the ages of the actors playing The Doctor may amuse you.

Tip o’ the Sonic Screwdriver to Derek Colanduno for the regression link! And my thanks to Devin Johnson, BBC Senior Publicity Manager, for sending me the DVD screener.

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