The Joke’s On You

UPDATE:  Solved by Gary at 12:33 CDT

Happy Saturday, Riddlers.  North central Texas weather is trying desperately to make up for the other fifty-one weeks by giving us a couple of perfect days and clear, cold nights.  What more could a girl want?  I think the rest of the weekend is going to find me happily busy ignoring the matter at hand.

Speaking of which, how about a riddle to chew on?  As Tom and I creep ever closer to the close of this riddle cycle, make sure your name is on the list and ready to go.  Remember, if you’ve already solved several riddles this cycle (but still want to play), email your guesses to me.  If you solve it, I’ll credit you in the comments and the riddle will remain “open” for play.  Good luck!

You'll think of it here. Not much, but you will think of it.

You’ll find today’s answer in the real world.  That it shows up, also, in fiction is beside the point.

This is something of an event.

Although never alive, you know when this has died.

Big honking tube worms

We associate this with the Earth, although it is hardly indigenous to the Earth alone.

We also associate this with heat, although it is hardly heat specific.

There’s a certain association with “fire” that doesn’t hold up, either.

Yes, you do TOO know what this is.

This has the power of construction or destruction; of life or death.

We find the echoes of this wholly natural event in the murky waters of the human subconscious.
…(ha!  “murky waters”!  you liked that one, didn’t you?)

Although common in nature, if it moves much “over the line” it’s an extinction level event.


There you go!  That should keep you busy for… oh, say about 30 seconds.  Let me know what you think is the answer to this tasty little riddle.  I’m hanging out in the comments, as usual, unless I’m stuck hanging out in the ICU!

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