Speed of Light Broken? Plus UARS Update

Several views of the UARS satellite in orbit, as seen from the ground with a 14" telescope. Credit: Thierry Legault Emmanual Rietsch via Universe Today

UPDATE:  Hearing UARS is down, started over the Pacific also hearing rumors of a fireball over Edmonton Alberta, anybody up there that can confirm?

UPDATE 2: NASA is saying the satellite is likely in the Pacific but they really don’t know.  Apparently this post upset a spammer.  Well most likely a spammer even if he was using a New Jersey IP address.  Oh well I removed the comment and updated the spam filter, I figure he can let me know if the comment wasn’t really spam.

A short post today.

This (last I knew) wasn’t “for sure” but  the question can be asked: Was Einstein wrong? Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water just yet.

The doomed satellite known as UARS is on the way down. Not sure where yet though AND solar activity is no longer playing much of a role in the rate of descent which is now slowing.  What’s that mean?  It means earlier assurances the satellite will not impact in North America could be wrong, although the chances are low, the possibility cannot be dismissed.  The last prediction I heard was 20:36 GMT give or take 20 hours.

The autumnal equinox occurred this morning at 0505 EDT.

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