Solstice, 21 December 2012… So, What Could The Ancient Mayans Know..? – Video

Solstice, 21 December 2012... So, What Could The Ancient Mayans Know..?
The Precession Of The Equinoxes..... Anybody who figures out that the Earth #39;s Axis precesses once every twentyone a half thousand years, using Naked-Eye Astronomy ; is really hard to entirely ignore, when they appear to say that the World is about to abruptly suddenly change... When their Prediction suggests a point in time when Human Civilisation appears to have chosen the Malthusian Lemming Option....; then, hang on to your Hats. "Head For The Hills", is the Traditional Suggestion, but perhaps it #39;ll work out better to hunker down, and try not to attract Predators by moving about... We Live In Interesting Times...From:WarblesOnALotViews:2 0ratingsTime:20:01More inPeople Blogs

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Solstice, 21 December 2012... So, What Could The Ancient Mayans Know..? - Video

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