Show some love on Valentine’s Day … for astronomy

Burlington Post

Join the Hamilton Amateur Astronomers on Valentines Day and share their love of the night sky.

Guest speaker will be McMaster astronomer Robert Cockcroft, who will discuss ancient Egyptian astronomy.

He will give an overview of ancient Egyptian astronomy and then focus on one particular representation of the night sky: the diagonal star tables. He also will discuss a recent expedition to Egypt.

Cockcroft is a post-doctoral research fellow at McMaster University, where he is also the McCallion Planetarium manager and a first-year undergraduate lecturer in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

His graduate research centred on observational astronomy, where he looked at globular clusters in the nearby Triangulum and Andromeda galaxies; his current focus is the history of astronomy.

The meeting and talk is on Friday, Feb. 14, from 7:30-9:30 p.m.,

At the Hamilton Spectator Building, 44 Frid St., Hamilton.

Admission is free and open t the public with door prizes. An optional donation of non-perishable items for local food banks will be collected.

Hamilton Amateur Astronomers is a non-profit club that meets the second Friday of each month except in July and August.

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Show some love on Valentine's Day ... for astronomy

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