Scientists transform skin cells directly into neurons | Not Exactly Rocket Science

It’s difficult for people to change their identities or careers, but it can be done. We don’t have to be stuck with one particular fate; with a bit of effort, we can become different people. The same is true for the cells that we’re made of. They come in different types, from brain cells to skin cells to muscle cells. Stem cells can produce all of these types, but once a cell commit to a particular role, it’s largely stuck there.

But not always. Scientists can convert one type of cell into another with the right cocktail of molecules – a process known as transdifferentiation. It’s a cellular makeover. The hope is that this technique will allow doctors to grow bespoke tissues and organs. If someone suffers from a disease that destroys their nervous system, like Alzheimer’s, you could theoretically take their skin cells, and transform them into a fresh supply of genetically identical neurons.

To do this, you need to work out the right recipe. Many groups are working on this. They’ve managed to change pancreatic cells into liver cells, skin cells into heart cells, and more. But no one ...

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