Saturday Musing; Confessions of an Empty Mind

UPDATE:  SOLVED by Patrick at 12:24 CDT

Hola!  What’s everyone up to this fine Saturday?  I’m pleased to report that I’ve almost caught back up with myself, and am now running only one blog post behind.  I did this amazing feat by working through several nights, past a case of food poisoning, and dumping everything else off on Tom.  I’m fortunate he has such a gracious personality, or he would surely wring my neck.

Before we get going today, I want to clarify a small point of confusion which cropped-up last week:  When I tell you that someone has “solved the riddle in my email”, the riddle is still open.  What I’m referring to is when someone emails their guess to me in order to play riddle, but doesn’t wish to “win” because they’ve already done so on the current cycle.  There are several who do this, and I like to give them credit in the comments.

Moving right along, I have an interesting riddle for you today, slanted slightly from what you’re used to solving.  You should find this a fun little exercise to get your neurons warmed-up.  You will be looking for something in the real world, today.  Ready?

NASA/CalTech, Thomas Jarrett

Think big.  Really big.

This is defined by… well, nothing.

I can say with all confidence that this is a noun.

Chernobyl, USSR archival photograph

You’re used to thinking of this as a thing.

As it’s applicable in astronomy, it’s a modern discovery.

This is not something you’ll find in your neighborhood, astronomically speaking, unless it’s located between your ears.

Taken from the JAANUS website, gorgeous image of gorintou

You might be more familiar with this as a concept.

Or, perhaps, as a place in which you would not wish to find yourself.

You find this everywhere; in accounting, SciFi, law, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, computer programming, mathematics, music, housing, cards… really, in all facets of your life.

Box artwork for Sonic Shuffle, Dreamcast, all rights reserved, North American version

Chew on that for a while.  While you’re chewing, enjoy this funny Roger sent to me.  Thanks, Doll!  You made my day.

We love you, Trudy!

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