Ring Shadows

A ring shadow from Cassini. Click for larger. Image: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

I went looking for information on the recent Enceladus and Titan flyby, but they don’t have anything up on it yet.  Cassini was to fly to 270 miles of the moon.  They did have an image showing what must be the jets from about 9,300 miles, it’s not calibrated or anything and I can’t say as I totally understand it, but it is interesting, click here to see it.

They did have the image above on the site.  I like it, the low sun – ring – planet angle affords some very nice pictures this is one of them. The planet is purposely overexposed to highlight the shadows.  The “C” ring detail is also very nice.

You can see it here at the Cassini site too.

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