Riddles… Riddles… Riddles…


Good morning!  Don’t forget that Tom has the site down for “chores” tomorrow, so don’t be alarmed if it takes longer than usual.  I doubt that it will, since Tom is really, really good at doing this.

I’m going to jump straight into today’s riddle; clues are as follows:

This is a thing.

We think of this as a single thing, but it is actually composed of incalculable parts.

Although it’s a “thing”, its very nature implies motion.

What we see is NOT what we’re getting.

We’ve always been aware of this.

Something about today’s subject sets the “standard” for everything else.

Only a tiny part of this is visible to the unaided eye; but that part is extremely important.

Sounds mysterious, doesn’t it?   Okay, you know where to find me.  Hurry and get your guesses in, I imagine this “particular” riddle won’t be a mystery for long!

A spider with a plan - Copywrite The Far Side, All rights reserved

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