Riddle’s Ready!

UPDATE:  SOLVED at 12:36 CDT, by Stephen

Last Saturday, instead of an object or “thing” being the answer to the riddle I tried an event out on you.  Trudy got so close to the correct answer it singed her hair, and after 1 hr 56 min, Nick solved the riddle.  It was fun to work up a riddle with a different twist to it, so I’ll fascinate you with an event riddle again this week.  But FIRST:

Tom and I are working up some fun extras for the “riddle champions”.  One thing you’ll see in the very near future is a “Riddle Bonus Round”, with the winner of that getting a real prize, not just a pat on the head.  Also, it will be a nice prize, not something strange like a weenie whistle.  Only the previous riddle winners will be able to participate in the bonus round.  Tom will submit half the clues, I will submit the other half.  Both of us will pick one image.  It won’t be an impossible riddle, but it won’t be easy, either.

We’re working on special “perks” and privileges for all the riddle winners, too; not for just the Bonus Round champion.  In all honesty, I’m having way too much fun with this.

Okay.  Are you ready to leap into the fray and solve today’s riddle?  ONE for the money;  TWO for the show; THREE to get ready; and FOUR to COGITATE!

"Calvin and Hobbes", Bill Watterson, All rights reserved

This event occurred in my lifetime (I’m older than dirt, by the way).

It was known globally while it was happening.

Events like this one have only happened six times.  That we know of.

There’s no way right now of predicting if, or when, this event will occur again.

There has been much controversy surrounding this event.

In spite of its rarity, the depiction of this event in fiction has been around for almost 2,000 years.

Ready to give it a shot?  As I said, it’s an event, and you will have been familiar with it growing up.  Remember, solving today’s puzzle will make you eligible for future prizes in addition to choosing my topic for Monday.

I’ll be lurking in the comment section.


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