Reminder: Endeavour to launch Sunday! | Bad Astronomy

endeavour_feb2010[Update; The launch was scrubbed due to low clouds. The next launch attempt will be at 04:14 Eastern (09:14 GMT) Monday morning... but they're predicting 60% chance of low clouds again!]

Don’t forget: the Space Shuttle Endeavor is scheduled to launch tomorrow, Sunday February 7, at 04:39 Eastern time (09:39 GMT). It’s the last planned night launch of a shuttle. I will not be live-tweeting it, since that’s 02:30 my time and I’m not staying up for it (I have to travel Monday and don’t need to screw up my system that much). But a lot of folks are there and will be tweeting it as it happens, like Universe Today’s Nancy Atkinson. Follow her for more info as it happens.

Image credit: NASA.

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