NCBI ROFL: President Kennedy’s death: A poison arrow-assisted homicide. | Discoblog

800px-JFK_limousine_cut_off_ver.“‘President John F. Kennedy’s death was a neurotoxin-assisted homicide’ is the hypothesis of this study. A review of medical evidence demonstrates evidence of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide. The convergence of three independent actions, or the signature traits of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide- the emergence of neurological signs consistent with a neurotoxin-induced paralysis, the induction of a small neck wound consistent with a flechette-transported neurotoxin entry wound, and the execution of a coverup to eliminate neurotoxin evidence, supports this hypothesis. This review suggests, JFK’s death had all the signature traits of a neurotoxin-assisted homicide.”

Bonus figure:


Fig. 5. Flechette-transported neurotoxin with Popup Fins.


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