NAU partners in Lowell’s Discovery Channel Telescope

Northern Arizona Universitys already bustling astronomy program raised its profile this week by securing a place as partner in a world-class telescope.

The college is now an official partner with Lowell Observatorys Discovery Channel Telescope, the fifth largest telescope in the country.

In exchange for just over $1 million, NAU will receive 80 nights of telescope use over the course of five years. That works out to $12,500 per night on the $53 million telescope.

The DCT, which saw its first light last year, is located about 40 miles south of Flagstaff in Happy Jack.

NAU professors will use their nights to study Kuiper Belt Objects at the outer edge of the solar system. The instrument will also become a teaching tool for the schools growing body of astronomy students.

You dont just become a scientist doing bookwork, said Stephen Tegler, chair of the astronomy and physics department, citing the need for apprenticeship. Its working hands on with research grade equipment. That apprenticeship goes leaps and bounds ahead with the Discovery Channel Telescope.

Read more about it in Thursday's Arizona Daily Sun.

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NAU partners in Lowell’s Discovery Channel Telescope

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