Manga and skepticism | Bad Astronomy

My friend Sara Mayhew is pretty cool. I am reminded of this by her interview on Skepticality this week, and I’ve been meaning to write about her again anyway.

How do I know she’s so cool? I mean, besides this being my blog which makes me the final arbiter of cool? And also that she linked to me in a fabulous cartoon she drew?

She’s cool because she’s a skeptic and she draws manga and she’s a TED fellow. And she’s also pretty frakkin’ smart. And she spreads the joy of science and skepticism through her art. Behold:

That, me droogs, is a very cool ad. And how can you not love someone who asks, "Do we have the courage to let go of our beliefs, to grab on to what is true?"

If you want more of her, then check out the talk she gave at CfI LA in March, and you too will see why I like her so much.

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