Hey, I Made It!

UPDATE:  Solved by Roger at 12:05 CDT

*Man, it’s hot in central Texas.*

Oh, hello!  I hope you’ve all had a great week, and are raring to go for the weekend.  I bought a new house and have been buried in the details of trying to move my stuff.

How did I get so much stuff?  Anybody want to buy one of my pianos?

Anyway, I have a riddle subject for you today that I’ve thought about for a while, but never quite figured out how to present.  Hopefully, you’ll enjoy it.  Today we are back in the land of SciFi, so get your brain out of reality and GET YOUR GEEK ON!

This image from IAU and Sky & Telescope Magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg) some rights reserved

You want to think about an iconic character.

He’s not from around here, but he has roots reaching back to our neck of the woods.

When first pictured in a magazine, his image was altered to make it less… something.

Oh, come on... you know this one!

Talk about arrogant!  He’s cooler than you, smarter than you, and he’s always right.

His character is the only one to “survive” the pilot episode.

Although he was truly lost for a while, he was never completely gone.


Several other iconic SciFi characters are “related” to this one.

He’s been insane, in love, and enraged, but he had to be pushed to all three.

Image by Tobias R, Metoc, some rights reserved

That should do it.  This should prove to be one of those fast riddles, especially for you who are familiar with SciFi.  You know where to find me.


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