Friday Fluff – March 25th, 2011 | Gene Expression


1) First, a post from the past: 10 questions for Jim Crow. Arguably the doyen of modern population geneticists. Take a look at who he’s had as graduate students or post-docs, and there’s a high probability there is someone you know of, you’ve met, or you know of by reputation (at least if you have some association with pop gen).

2) Weird search query of the week: “hot arab ass.”

3) Comment of the week, in response to “Puzzling the odds of disease risk”:

What would be interesting (and very simple) to see is this:

Take DNA of all the dead people with good medical history and see if aggregate of all the various risks predicts time and/or cause of death with any reliability. $200K buys N=2,000 which is not unreasonable for entities that have access to lots of dead peoples’ DNA.

4) And finally, your weekly fluff fix:

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