Friday Fluff – June 24th, 2011 | Gene Expression


1) Post from the past: The wisdom of Seinfeld. How far in the past? When I wrote this it was closer to the series finale of Seinfeld than to now!

2) Weird search query of the week: “economics of having children marketplace.” I think I might have mentioned some of Murray Rothbard’s strange ideas on this at some point….

3) Comment of the week, in response to “Cave of Forgotten Dreams, see it, but tune the narration out”:

You are not the first person to misspell his first name “Werner” in that manner, many do it with purpose to undercut the man and discredit his films (though I assume you would argue a minor overlook and/or simple mistake). His films continue to command viewing decades after their making and his legend grows with that.

Is it a perfect film? -No.
Is it an essential film? – Absolutely.
Was the scientific element that you vented about present? -Yes
If there was more scientific informations would we have missed out on the humanity of it? -Yes

“Humaness” as it was put in the film has much a place in the culture of man as ...

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