Decoding the Skies

National Geographic has a very interesting program coming up on Thursday (29 April).  The episode is called Decoding the Skies and it explores our ancestors relationship with the night sky.  Earlier generations (and not all that many back) depended on knowing what was going on with the night sky.  I always find it interesting to learn about those ties because sadly we as a population have lost the knowledge and traditions of our ancestors.  How many people do you think could tell you what phase the moon is in right now?  Not too many I bet and that is pretty basic stuff.

It’s a very interesting episode, I was pretty amazed at some of things I didn’t know.

On another programming note: The Discovery Channel is airing a four part series called “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking”.  This should be a real treat and you know I will have my recorder all set up, hopefully it will hold together!.  You can see more about it here.

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