Caturday rib licking | Bad Astronomy

Those of you who follow me on Twitter may remember that on Father’s Day, my wife and mom-in-law made us an incredible meal of beef ribs with homemade BBQ sauce, twice baked potatoes, grilled corn, homemade sangria, and homemade apple pie.

It was awesome.

And I have proof, of a sort. This being Caturday and all, and with me expanding it on this blog to include all animals as I see fit, here is a picture of our two dogs, affectionately and pseudonymously known as Canis Major and Minor, giving their opinion on the ribs:

Oh right, they can’t give their opinion because they’re too busy licking every last beef molecule off the pan. That’s all they got though. Leftover ribs are the domain of humans. Specifically, this human.

Picture credit: my brother-in-law Chris, who has lots more great pictures on his Flickr page.

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