“Boom”, indeed.

When we think of the Big Bang, we tend to think of it as an explosion in space.  That’s only natural; it fits in with what is familiar to us – what we know and can visualize.  But the Big Bang wasn’t an explosion IN space, it was an explosion OF space.  It is the origin of reality, the beginning of time and space.  It began about 13.3 to 13.9 billion years ago, and some scientists believe it continues to this day in the ever-expanding universe.  And of course, we know the expansion is still accelerating.

Big Bang Timeline, Image: NASA/JPL PD-USGov

While we cannot yet know for sure what occurred at the beginning of time and space, there has been some compelling evidence to support the Big Bang model.  Most scientists now agree that some form of “Big Bang” must have occurred.  If nothing else, hearts and minds were won over when spectral analysis of the cosmic microwave background radiation showed a blackbody curve.

While scientists cannot be sure of exactly what happened in the very early stages of the universe, they know something happened, and that it happened fast.  The current time line shows the Event occurring around 10(e)-35, and by 10(e)-6 the universe is shaped.  Now that’s 10(e)-35 and 10(e)-6 of a second.  That’s a tiny, tiny amount of time.  The basic elements formed within 3 seconds.  Within about 400 million years, stars and galaxies start to form.

Across Space and Time, Hubble ST Ultra Deep Field - NASA/JPL Hubble

There has been some discussion that on the “other side” of a black hole is a “white hole”, something that erupts out with matter and energy which has been consumed by the black hole.  This, in theory, creates “new” universes.  This is an interesting idea, but that’s about all it is at this stage.  While it seems to answer some questions, it asks more than it answers.

Scientist are now trying to answer the question of what came before the Big Bang.  According to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, the Big Bang alone is mathematically nonsensical.  Enter Loop Quantum Gravity, which combines Einstein’s theory with quantum physics (equations which did not exist in Einstein’s day) to produce the Big Bounce Theory.  This is interesting, and considers the existence of a universe before ours.  Which collapses… causing a rebound… which gives rise to our universe.

It was once thought that the universe would expand until it slowly came to a stop, then either slowly come back on itself (the Big Crunch), or stay flung out in the far reaches of the universe until all the stars died (the Big Freeze).

There’s no computer program which can backtrack to show the location in space of the Big Bang, because before the Event, there was no space in which it could take place.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the whole concept.  As I’ve said before, I’m suspicious of nice, simple scenarios which seem to answer *all* the questions.  I think that in a few thousand years (if we don’t bomb ourselves into Kibbles n Bits) we’ll find that the “final answer” is a combination of all the theories… working together.

Any ideas?

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