Atlantis to Launch Tomorrow

Current Status: GO

Launch Date: Friday, 2:20 pm ET (10 minute window)

Odds of Launch: 70 percent

Shuttle: Atlantis (OV-104) – Sad to say this is the final scheduled flight for Atlantis.

Mission: STS-132

Mission Length: 12 days

EVA’s: 3 (on flight days: 4,6,8)

Primary Objectives: deliver an Integrated Cargo Carrier and a Russian-built Mini Research Module to the
International Space Station.

Commander: Ken Ham

Pilot: Tony Antonelli

Mission Specialists: Garrett Reisman, Michael Good, Piers Sellers and Steve Bowen

Launch Pad 39A — Webcam Image courtesy: NASA/Kennedy Space Center

NOAA’s Forecast:

Tomorrow: Sunny, with a high near 83. East southeast wind between 10 and 15 mph.

To keep current with the news about the launch, I recommend you go to NASA’s Launch Blog which should be live around 9:00 am ET. You will need to refresh your browser to get the latest from that site, but it’s THE place to get the up to the minute stuff especially if you can’t watch NASA TV.

I will be watching the launch itself on NASA-TV

Image Credits: NASA / NOAA

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