Astronomical Society of Harrisburg to hold astronomy night at Swatara State Park

Group to hold astronomy night at state park

The Astronomical Society of Harrisburg will hold an astronomy night at Swatara State Park Saturday, weather permitting, beginning at 5:30 p.m..

Parking is at the equestrian parking lot at Routes 443 and 72, Union Township.

The society will bring the telescopes, all you need is a flashlight, a chair, and any food or water you want.

If the sky is overcast, the event will be cancelled. If in doubt, after 3 p.m. call 717-938-6041 for a recorded message about the event. There is no rain date scheduled for this event.

For more information, call Dave McNaughton, 717-273-7342.


Astronomical Society of Harrisburg to hold astronomy night at Swatara State Park

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