A Slightly Different Riddle

UPDATE:  SOLVED at 1:56 pm CDT, by Nick

We have some smart people out there reading the blog, so  I decided to mix things up a little bit this week, and see if I could make you think.  The answer to today’s riddle will not be an object.  It will be an event.  We’re operating under the same rules:  This deals with astronomy; it’s something with which you are familiar;  it’s something you grew up knowing.

I think I’ll make you work a little this week.

Image shamelessly lifted from Space.Com

This event occurred within recent history.

It was known globally while it was happening.

It has happened before.

It will happen again.

Image: National Archives circa 1938-1945, ID 195876

It left traces behind.

It is at the top of the heap for its type of event within recorded history.

After it occurred, there was no evidence of this event in space (this is not a contradiction).

The depiction of this event occurring at any time makes for a thrilling plot line.

STS112 EVA Image: NASA

Your final clue, just to save us all time:  The event in question is NOT an asteroid strike.

Hmmmm.  Any guesses?  Come on out and play — I’ll see you in the comments.

Good luck!

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