A Scientist Finds out That Discussion of Bat Fellatio Is NSFW | Discoblog

According to Dale Evans, a professor at University College Cork in Ireland, he just wanted to bring up an interesting tidbit of animal behavior while chatting with a colleague. But the journal article he referenced, "Fellatio in fruit bats prolongs copulation time," didn't just cause raised eyebrows, it also prompted a sexual harassment complaint. New Scientist reports:
As part of what he says was an ongoing discussion on human uniqueness, Evans showed a copy of the fellatio paper to a female colleague in the school of medicine. "There was not a shred of a sign of offence taken at the time," Evans says. "She asked for a copy of the article." A week later he got a letter informing him that he was being accused of sexual harassment. The female colleague later said that she asked for a copy of the article only to cut short the conversation, which she found disgusting and offensive. Let's just hope that she didn't take a look at the video the original researchers put together of the bats in action. Related Content:
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