A Little Respect: Involving Citizens in Technology Assessment | The Intersection

This is a guest post by Darlene Cavalier, a writer and senior adviser at Discover Magazine. Darlene holds a Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a former Philadelphia 76ers cheerleader. She founded ScienceCheerleader.com and cofounded ScienceForCitizens.net to make it possible for lay people to contribute to science. Happy Thursday. Very pleased to be filling in for Sheril this month. These are big shoes to fill, to say the least. During my time with you, I hope my writings provide a bit of inspiration, provocation, or, failing that, some entertainment to brighten your day. All I ask in return is that you keep doing what you do so well here: share your ideas and comments. Some of you (two, three?) may know me as the Science Cheerleader, a persona who advocates--and creates mechanisms--for public participation in science and science policy. These are broad terms with multiple definitions, depending on the author's intention. Let's dive right into one of this author's intentions: to create a way for citizens and experts to participate in assessments of emerging technologies. Citizens, your time has come! On this day in history, Aretha Franklin released her hit song, Respect. And on THIS day, respect for your ...

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