Authors: Z. Mikulášek, J. Krti?ka, G. W. Henry, J. Janík, J. Zverko, J. Žiž?ovský, M. Zejda, J. Liška, P. Zv??ina, D. O. Kudrjavtsev, I. I. Romanyuk, N. A. Sokolov, T. Lüftinger, C. Trigilio, C. Neiner and S. N. de Villiers.<br />Astronomy & Astrophysics Vol. 534 , page L5<br />Published online: 06/10/2011<br />
stars: chemically peculiar ; stars: variables: general ; stars: individual: CU Vir ; stars: individual: V901 Ori ; stars: rotation.
- Rotational spectra of isotopic species of methyl cyanide, CH_3CN, in their ground vibrational states up to terahertz frequencies [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Cosmological parameter extraction and biases from type Ia supernova magnitude evolution [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Continuous monitoring of pulse period variations in Hercules X-1 using Swift/BAT [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Constraining the ortho-to-para ratio of H{_2} with anomalous H{_2}CO absorption [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- A photometric and spectroscopic study of the new dwarf spheroidal galaxy in Hercules - Metallicity, velocities, and a clean list of RGB members [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Luminosities and mass-loss rates of SMC and LMC AGB stars and red supergiants [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Electron beam – plasma system with the return current and directivity of its X-ray emission [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The propagation of the shock wave from a strong explosion in a plane-parallel stratified medium: the Kompaneets approximation [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Analysis of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Letter: Centaurus A as TeV \gamma-ray and possible UHE cosmic-ray source [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Young pre-low-mass X-ray binaries in the propeller phase - Nature of the 6.7-h periodic X-ray source 1E 161348-5055 in RCW 103 [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Radiative rates and electron impact excitation rates for transitions in Cr VIII [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Solar granulation from photosphere to low chromosphere observed in Ba II 4554 Å line [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Does the HD 209458 planetary system pose a challenge to the stellar atmosphere models? [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Effect of asymmetry of the radio source distribution on the apparent proper motion kinematic analysis [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Destriping CMB temperature and polarization maps [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Search for cold debris disks around M-dwarfs. II [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Precise data on Leonid fireballs from all-sky photographic records [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- An X-ray view of 82 LINERs with Chandra and XMM-Newton data [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Radio observations of ZwCl 2341.1+0000: a double radio relic cluster [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Candidate free-floating super-Jupiters in the young \sigma Orionis open cluster [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The metallicity gradient as a tracer of history and structure: the Magellanic Clouds and M33 galaxies [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- XMMSL1 J060636.2-694933: an XMM-Newton slew discovery and Swift/Magellan follow up of a new classical nova in the LMC [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The inner rim structures of protoplanetary discs [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The solar Ba{\sf II} 4554 Å line as a Doppler diagnostic: NLTE analysis in 3D hydrodynamical model [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Magnetic evolution of superactive regions - Complexity and potentially unstable magnetic discontinuities [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Low-mass protostars and dense cores in different evolutionary stages in IRAS 00213+6530 [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- PMAS optical integral field spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies - I. The atlas [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- First AGILE catalog of high-confidence gamma-ray sources [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Radiative hydrodynamics simulations of red supergiant stars - I. interpretation of interferometric observations [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A–F type stars - VII. \theta Cygni radial velocity variations: planets or stellar phenomenon? [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Cosmic rays and the magnetic field in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253 - II. The magnetic field structure [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Physical structure and water line spectrum predictions of the intermediate mass protostar OMC2-FIR4 [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The bright galaxy population of five medium redshift clusters - II. Quantitative galaxy morphology [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Dust in brown dwarfs and extra-solar planets - II. Cloud formation for cosmologically evolving abundances [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The quiet Sun magnetic field observed with ZIMPOL on THEMIS - I. The probability density function [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Complexity in the sunspot cycle [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Properties and nature of Be stars - 26. Long-term and orbital changes of \zeta Tauri [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The massive Wolf-Rayet binary LSS 1964 (=WR 29) - II. The V light curve [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Supernova progenitor stars in the initial range of 23 to 33 solar masses and their relation with the SNR Cassiopeia A [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram of Star Clusters [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Table of the 10 Brightest stars within 10 Parsecs of the Sun [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram of the Nearest Stars [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Magnitude and Color in Astronomy [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Stellar Types [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Brown Dwarfs [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Spotting the Minimum [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Structure and Evolution of Brown Dwarfs [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- No Bang from the Big Bang Machine [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Sizes of the Stars and the Planets [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- An Implausible Light Thrust [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- the Masses of Degenerate Objects [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Degeneracy Pressure [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Introduction to Degenerate Objects [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Radii of Degenerate Objects [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Inevitability of Black Holes [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Scientific Pig-Out [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Neutrino Cooling of Degenerate Dwarfs [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- The Neutrino Cooling of Neutron Stars [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Overview of Supernovae [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Energetics of Thermonuclear Supernovae [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Thermonuclear Supernovae [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Nuclear Reactions in Thermonuclear Supernovae [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Core-Collapse Supernovae [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Neutrinos and SN 1987A [Last Updated On: November 8th, 2009] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2009]
- Revealing the sub-AU asymmetries of the inner dust rim in the disk around the Herbig Ae star R Coronae Austrinae [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Probing the dust properties of galaxies up to submillimetre wavelengths - I. The spectral energy distribution of dwarf galaxies using LABOCA [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- On the physical origin of the second solar spectrum of the Sc II line at 4247 Å [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- On detecting the large separation in the autocorrelation of stellar oscillation times series [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Imaging the spotty surface of Betelgeuse in the H band [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Chandra observation of Cepheus A: the diffuse emission of HH 168 resolved [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- A planetary eclipse map of CoRoT-2a - Comprehensive lightcurve modeling combining rotational-modulation and transits [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- The chemical composition of carbon stars. The R-type stars [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Flow instabilities of magnetic flux tubes - IV. Flux storage in the solar overshoot region [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Fragmentation of a dynamically condensing radiative layer [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Temporal variations of the CaXIX spectra in solar flares [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Deuterium chemistry in the Orion Bar PDR - “Warm” chemistry starring CH_{2}D^+ [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Metal abundances in the cool cores of galaxy clusters [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- The nature of the X-ray binary IGR J19294+1816 from INTEGRAL, RXTE, and Swift observations [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]
- Relating basic properties of bright early-type dwarf galaxies to their location in Abell 901/902 [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2009] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2009]