NASA Venus Mission Surprise: There Could Be Life Existing On Earths Twin – International Business Times

For many years, humans have been wondering if there are alien beings from other planets or galaxies. We even ask ourselves and say, Is there life outside our world?

Whats interesting is that we are often bombarded with news of possible aliens, UFOs and ancient fossils that suggest that there could be life outside of Earth yet none of them have actually been accepted by the general scientific community.

Now per a report, a new study is suggesting that yes, there might be life outside of Earth and it can be found no less than on the planet with the most extreme conditions - Venus. According to research published on Nov. 10 by Dr. Rhawn Joseph in Nature/Springer journal Astrophysics and Space Science, "Yes, there is life on other worlds. However, our neighbors are not human, but mushroom-shaped fungi dwelling on the surface of Venus and Mars.

There came doubts and questions about this statement. Is there life on Venus? Is that really possible? Dr. Dirk Schulze-Makuch indicated that life may have been transmitted from Earth to our neighbors, Venus and Mars, through meteors which banished out from our planet.

Fungi, in fact, are great survivors. Fungi have populated the most environments of Earth, including places that are affected by nuclear events. Other scientists and researchers have also toyed with the idea that Venus may be home to different creatures, mostly fungi. However, Dr. Joseph was the first one to show photographic evidence of these mushroom-shaped specimens.

Dr. Rudolf Schild of the Dept of Astrophysics at the Harvard-Smithsonian checked out the photos and agreed: "These specimens look just like mushrooms."

Venus is an impossible habitation for any creature, which some have compared to Hell due to its surface temperature of 465.85 degrees Celsius. There are no known Earthly organisms that can survive above 300 degrees Celsius. Thats why some scientists already concluded that it is impossible for living creatures to survive on Venus unless they have evolved.

Is there water in Venus? Many scientists consider that there is great water in the clouds of Venus. In the article Life on Venus by Dr. Joseph, he reasoned out there is water beneath the ground as well. He even used the deserts of Earth on how the water gives life to living creatures and organisms. In Dr. Josephs published article Astrophysics and Space Science, he said, "The hyper-arid, waterless surface of Venus may draw moisture and water up from the subterranean depths, just as occurs in the arid deserts of Earth. If so, then any organisms living below ground may be continually supplied with water as it rises to the surface."

Many scientists believe that billions of years ago Venus was a wet planet with streams, rivers, oceans and lakes where life probably evolved.

An artists illustration shows Venus Express in orbit around the planet. Photo: ESA


NASA Venus Mission Surprise: There Could Be Life Existing On Earths Twin - International Business Times

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