What Is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Astrology? – Shondaland.com

Ill try not to make this article sound like a plea for my job as I delve into AI and the mark its made on my world as an astrologer and spiritual practitioner. Ive always assumed this line of work would be safe from digital interference; after all, it seems impossible to program intuition and human compassion into a computer. Then again, technology has always been as mysterious to me as astrology charts, tarot cards, and psychic phenomena might be to the average person. With the rise of increasingly popular astrology apps and websites that rely on AI to generate horoscopes and predictions, I couldnt resist the temptation to explore these trends for myself.

Before I start poking holes in AIs approach to astrology, Ill admit that technological advancements have made decoding the stars much more accessible than it used to be. Technology in general has played a huge role in making astrology not only approachable but also as big as it has become in recent years. In ancient times, astrologers did all their birth chart analysis by hand and now, there are many different programs that help speed the process, explains

While I wholeheartedly value the convenience planetary tracking programs offer, the information I receive is more data-centric than predictive. Im not asking the computer how Mercury entering Aquarius will impact my communication skills; I just need to know when this shift will occur so I can tell my readers what to expect. From my knowledge about AI, its not reliable in writing opinion-based articles on astrology or horoscopes since interpretation is key, says author and astrologer Lisa Stardust. For a debriefing in transits, itll be effective, but remember that transits dont affect everyone the same, which is why an astrologer is vital. When we astrologers are unpacking birth charts or writing your horoscopes, were looking at more than planetary interaction. We make intuitive judgments on how the cosmos will impact a single person or the collective while taking into consideration themes being dealt with as a society.

Digging further, I began my research by conversing with the AI program du jour ChatGPT, asking simple questions like What is my rising sign? and including all the necessary info needed to generate an answer, such as birth time, date, and location. Im immediately underwhelmed as my rising and moon signs are incorrectly predicted but also feel vindicated at this technological misstep. To its credit, the application suggests consulting with a professional astrologer for more accurate insights, an added touch I greatly appreciated.

In March 2023, Google Docs launched a Help Me Write application, leading to the ever-present pen and star icon in the top left margin of any document Ive drafted since then. Im curious if it offers astrological accuracy, wondering if any of my fellow astrology writers will utilize this tool as a way to cut corners or save time. I click the button and ask what Scorpios can expect in 2024. After a few seconds, I receive the following write-up:

Scorpios can expect a year of transformation and growth in 2024. The planet Pluto will be in your sign for the entire year, which will bring up deep issues and emotions that need to be addressed. This can be a challenging time, but it will also be an opportunity for you to grow and evolve. Jupiter will also be in your sign for part of the year, which will bring good luck and opportunities. This is a great time to start new projects or take risks.

Ill be frank here and say this is straight-up malarkey and nonsense. Pluto will move from Capricorn to Aquarius in 2024 with no appearance in Scorpio. In fact, Pluto hasnt been in Scorpio since 1995 and wont return to the sign of death and rebirth until the year 2229. Meanwhile, Jupiter will be happily housed in Taurus until May 25, 2024, before it shifts into Gemini, where it will ride out the rest of the year. So, thats a total strikeout for AIs astrological know-how in this instance.

With that being said, there are companies programming artificial intelligence to offer more specific and accurate astrological predictions. The Co-Star app living in many of our phones isnt delivering advice from the mind of a human practitioner. Rather, the information is generated by an algorithm using astrological methods and NASAs planetary data. While I have never connected with the app in a way that was meaningful, Im aware of its extreme popularity, and many of my clients swear by it. I will begrudgingly state that it does offer a more complex and complete review of what someone might be experiencing at any given time since it takes into consideration the entire birth chart of its users. Upon downloading, youre asked to contribute your birth date, time, and location, allowing the program to track significant transits that are unique to you. This provides a slight edge over daily horoscopes if you dont mind taking advice from a robot.

I learned of an astrology machine residing at the Grove in Los Angeles, the latest promotional brainchild of Co-Star and perhaps the most cutting-edge AI astrology tool available at the moment. On a recent trip to visit my partners family for Thanksgiving, I dragged him to check out this celestial droid with me, in the name of research, of course. After locating the boxy gray console, I couldnt help but feel slightly excited. The sensation was reminiscent of being a child with a quarter in front of a Zoltar machine.

I plugged my birth chart info into the screen, then chose from its selection of preprogrammed questions. I cheekily smiled at my significant other as I selected the query Am I actually in love? It took my photo, lights flickered, then a receipt spit out with a write-up validating that I am indeed entranced with my companion. Upon further inspection, I saw that transits were documented at the bottom, noting that Venus was in conjunction with my natal Mars, which I double-checked and found to be true.

I nudged my partner to ask the same question and provided him with his birth time, information I got from his mother a few months into our relationship because thats what falling in love with an astrologer looks like. Its a good thing I am confident in our bond because the computer wasnt convinced of his feelings, giving a firm No, you are not actually in love. My biggest annoyance here is that he now has the pleasure of teasing me with this prediction. Im also highly aware of the fact that a solid relationship reading requires a look at both partners natal charts. This process viewed our planetary placements separately and made a judgment call. On a more serious note, it seems kind of reckless on Co-Stars end.

Ive given tarot readings to friends since I was 10, started a coven during my 13th birthday party, and have eight years under my belt as a professional adviser. I know firsthand how much stock people put into faith and the readings they receive. While many are sensible enough to understand the importance of making their own choices, Ive definitely had clients who wanted me to make decisions for them. I shudder to think that someone could walk up to this device, ask a question about love, money, or a career path, and make life-altering choices accordingly. I ponder what might have happened if a younger, less experienced couple had a reading similar to the one my sweetheart and I had. Would a fight or worse ensue?

I decided to ask two more questions. The results varied, and I couldnt help but roll my eyes when it was stated that I should choose another line of work. AI claimed I was holding on to my current position out of fear, when in reality Im grateful every day for the work I do because I love it. I will say that when I asked what I should be famous for, it replied that I would benefit from sharing my expertise with others, which hello! If this session had been with a human astrologer, those conflicting answers wouldnt have emerged.

The problem with artificial intelligence offering readings is there seems to be a lack of discernment and consistent results. When Im interacting with a client in real time, Im picking up on their energy and emotional disposition and making judgments based on these subtle cues. Oftentimes, people come to me when they are in fragile states, so my job is to hold space in a way that is compassionate and nurturing in order to allow them to feel comfortable in their vulnerability. If AI can be an empathetic and intuitive reader, then that would be amazing, Stardust adds, but Im not sure if robots are built for that. Though it can be amusing to check out computer-generated readings for the fun of it, it may not be the best call for major life guidance.

Nothing compares to words of comfort when youre feeling blue, anxious, or scared, and AI simply isnt advanced enough to offer spiritual support in this capacity. A robot will always lack the human touch and human experience, regardless of how much it is trained, adds Montfar. The reason an astrology reading is so powerful is because [we] astrologers have experienced astrology very intimately. We know how certain astrological transits affect us because we ourselves have experienced them in our lives and at a personal level. For that reason, we are able to sympathize with clients and understand their perspective. Im not suggesting you should ditch your favorite astrology apps, especially when theres plenty of entertainment to be had. Just remember to take the advice with a grain of salt, and consider booking with a reputable practitioner when bigger questions arise.

Rene Watt is a Pacific Northwest-based professional psychic, astrologer, and witch. Her mystical insights have been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and InStyle. She hosts the weekly podcast The Glitter Cast, which features celebrity ghost stories and interviews with leading professionals in her field.

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What Is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Astrology? - Shondaland.com

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