Artificial intelligence could mean end of human race, says Stephen Hawking

He added that the technology would eventually become self-aware and ''supersede'' humanity as it developed faster than biological evolution. His warning echoes a similar one made by technology entrepreneur Elon Musk, who called the rise of AI ''our biggest existential threat''.

Honda has already developed a robot, called ASIMO, that is designed to help the less-able with tasks around the home, and Google is also said to be experimenting with robotics.

Prof Hawking was speaking at a press conference, detailing the latest stage of a partnership with Intel that has now lasted more than 25 years, and the tech giant has created a new interface for Prof Hawking's monitor.

This, combined with his speech synthesiser, has doubled the scientist's speech rate and improved his productivity 10 times over, said the technology giant.

Prof Hawking said: ''We are here to talk about how science and technology is improving the lives of people with disabilities.

''We are pushing the boundaries of what is possible through technology - without it I would not be able to speak to you today. Intel's research and development is bringing about changes in the world and in the way that disabled people can communicate."

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Artificial intelligence could mean end of human race, says Stephen Hawking

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