The medical Adele reveals the secret to her weight loss: it is not just exercise – Play Crazy Game

That Adele has lost over 50 pounds in the last few months is one of the reasons in Dominique Fradin-Read. The degree in preventative medicine and anti-aging, and with a university degree in nutrition, he had the singer made a radical change which, until now, prevented millions of people from all over the world guessing, as no one knew how it had been accomplished.

Now, the doctor revealed what is your trick to losing weight and made it clear that this is not sport. Dominique Fradin-Read he insists that it is not only exercise, but the process has a lot to do with mood and mental health.

Dominique Fradin-Read, explained to US Weekly that weight loss is not only exercisebut the sport should be a part of a transformation of the broader lifestyle of the person. That is why, ensures that the mental health and well-being of those who want to lose weight are just as important as the diet and physical exercise.

The first thing I tell my patients is that, in regards to weight loss, diet and exercise alone will not be sufficient in the majority of cases. says.

Fradin-Read believes that it is vital to look at each patient from a global point of view: Many patients who come to us tried to lose weight previously, but did not succeed and it was recovered, and even more. For successful weight loss and sustainable, we must look at the person in whole and not just address the weight separately.

That is why, subjected each patient to a thorough study: Analyze the metabolic function: how the patient is beginning to develop insulin resistance? We observed the hormone, such an important part of the weight gain in the menopause. We investigated the levels of thyroid and cortisol.

And continues: We have in mind the habits: why do most of us behave well all day and we crashed for the night? We evaluate the stress and sleep. We talk about mood and mental health. When addressing all of these elements, then we can start a custom diet and to recommend the exercise as needed, Then work.

Fradin-Read does not want to speak to you promptly of Adele, because he has moral and legal obligations to protect the privacy of all patients, both mine as others. For that reason, I can not confirm nor deny any information, but yes, I like to talk about my work as a health and various treatments, therapies, products and services offered by my practice, but do not provide information about specific individuals.

I combine all the tools and methods in our therapeutic arsenal, starting with approaches that are more natural and changes in lifestyle, vitamins / supplements, to recommend peptides, rebalance hormones, and finally prescribe medications that are appropriate for each patient, she says.

According to the news site El confidencial, one of the tips that he shares with all his patients is to follow the mediterranean diet, as well as the healthy menus suggested by the chef, Michel Gurard: the objective is to create balanced meals and customized for each client.

The doctor develops a method for visual to make all of you to imagine a plate divided into several parts: green vegetables should occupy approximately two-thirds of the plate; protein-good source of one-third and the last part is reserved to the carbs. And, in addition, you can add healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocado or nuts.

Fradin-Read also gives preponderance to that the notion of the pleasure of eating is at the base of a successful diet in the long term. For this reason, it is important to create a personalized diet for each person and that is not always the same: we are All different when it comes to our weight and, therefore, the same diet that works for one person might not work at another; it may even be that not even serve for the same person during all his life.

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The medical Adele reveals the secret to her weight loss: it is not just exercise - Play Crazy Game

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