Red Hot, Ice Cold & Better Health In Three –


Renaissance, a fitness, wellness & healthy living brand which operates fitness, functional movement & wellness studios in Monmouth County and recently, Hudson County, would like to educate the public on what is now a very popular non-medical health treatment extolling a wealth of benefits, Cryotherapy.

Renaissance is owned by Danielle Buccellato, a popular fitness and wellness innovator who was an early pioneer of Pilates and other fitness modalities. She operates Renaissance Pilates in Red Bank, a Pilates and fitness sanctuary which has been in operation for 5 years, and in December 2019, she opened a second location at Bell Works in Holmdel, an integrated fitness & wellness center, with her sister, Joelle Buccellato. Cryotherapy is offered at the Bell Works location, and Renaissance seeks to clarify the who, what, when, where and why of this latest technology.


Cryotherapy is an advanced technology which subjects the whole body or just certain parts of the body, to freezing temperatures. This non-medical, non-invasive technique has been in the news frequently with videos surfacing on every social media platform showing a person entering the Cryotherapy chamber. Renaissance explains the three types of Cryotherapy and the processes, procedures, and benefits.


People enter a vertical-standing chamber where liquid nitrogen cooled air will be between 166 - 220 degrees. A standard treatment is 3 minutes, and while clients will have full privacy within the chamber, a technician is always present to assure safety. Renaissance encourages individuals to speak with their physicians prior to trying Cryotherapy if there are health issues present. Some of the scientifically reported and documented benefits from individuals using Cryotherapy include:

Increase In Energy

Weight Loss

Reduced Muscle & Joint Pain

Accelerated Recovery From Exercise

Better Circulation

Better Sleep

Better Skin Elasticity (Anti-Aging)

Improved Mood & Feelings Of Well Being

Stronger Immunity

Less Inflammation

Release Of Endorphins (Elevated Mood)

Faster Recovery From Sports & Training

Increased Testosterone Levels

Increased Libido

Less Severe Hangovers


Cryoskin is a 28-minute treatment that uses thermoelectric cooling to freeze fat, causing the cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without damaging the skin above. The destroyed cells pass naturally through the lymphatic system, leaving a more toned body. Cryoskin can be targeted to problem areas such as the abdomen, hips, and thighs.


A Cryoskin slimming session uses a three-phase thermal shock to initiate apoptosis or programmed cell death. The slimming is actually a localized fat loss session which naturally passes fat debris from the body via the lymphatic system. This type of session can assist with the loss of inches or help with stubborn pockets of fat that do not improve with diet and exercise alone.

A Cryoskin toning session can be used on the face and/or body and utilizes the application of cold temperatures to tighten, smooth, and shape areas lacking elasticity by increasing microcirculation (oxygenated blood flow), collagen, and elastin production. The toning session addresses loose skin and cellulite. Areas which can be treated include the face, chin, abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, bra line and knees. Benefits include:

Reduction In Appearance Of Cellulite

Improvement In Body Shape

Immediate Enhancement Of & Improvement In Skin Quality


A Cryoskin Facial is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure which employs a special Cryoskin wand to provide toning in the facial area. The process, which lasts 20 minutes, can result in an increase in collagen production. This increase in collagen can then help to diminish fine lines & wrinkles, to improve the complexion and to reduce the appearance of pores. The procedure can also be performed on the neck or dcollet area and might even reduce the appearance of a double chin. The technology is hailed as the most effective non-surgical immediate facelift.

About The Evolution Of The Renaissance Brand

Renaissance is actually known for much more than Pilates, and with the over 60 fitness & functional movement classes offered in different fitness modalities and the new wellness center with the latest in anti-aging services at Bell Works in Holmdel, the brand has evolved into an integrated solution for optimal health. Recently entering the holistic sphere, Renaissance also offers nutritional counseling & coaching services, organic meal preparation & delivery, and functional medicine. These services complement fitness classes and innovative wellness choices and technologies already offered including Whole Body Cryotherapy, Cryoskin, Cryoslim, Cryotone, Infrared Sauna and Oxygen Therapy (O2).

The expansion into holistic services, which are offered in collaboration with holistic health practitioners, Michael Buron of Health Chek and Marie Maglio of The Proper Palate, is part of the Renaissance mission to help people attain physical, mental and spiritual balance in their lives through healthy bodies and minds, according to Danielle Buccellato.

For more information on Cryotherapy or any of the fitness and wellness services offered by Renaissance, contact the two locations listed below:

Renaissance Pilates, 23-25 West Front Street, Red Bank, N.J. 07701. The telephone number is (732) 268-7730, and the website is

Renaissance Pilates + Wellness at Bell Works, 101 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, N.J. 07733. The telephone number is (732) 444-1111, and the website is,

Pilates Revolution. Wellness Evolution

Pilates | Functional Movement | Whole Body Cryo | Cryoskin | Infrared Sauna| Oxygen Therapy | Conscience Based Skin Care

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Red Hot, Ice Cold & Better Health In Three -

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