Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme – News – Utica Observer Dispatch

Whether or not you are going to Scarborough Fair, it might be a good idea to bring home some parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Parsley - multi-vitamin in a leaf

Both the Greeks and Romans gave parsley to their racehorses to make them strong and fast. It is essentially an herbal multivitamin. In The Good Herb (1995), Judith Benn Hurley noted that parsley is essentially a multivitamin in an herb:

A cup of minced fresh parsley (about four ounces) contains more beta carotene than a large carrot, almost twice as much Vitamin C as an orange, more calcium than a cup of milk and 20 times as much iron as one serving of liver.

Other modern uses of parsley are for treatment of kidney stones, as a diuretic, UTI and high blood pressure. National Geographic Guide to Medicinal Herbs (2010).

Rosemary for remembrance

Rosemary has long been credited with having positive effects on the mind. Scholars in ancient Greece tucked fresh rosemary sprigs in their hair while studying, according to The Good Herb.

Science has shown that rosemary is an antispasmodic, anti-depressive and antimicrobial. Rosemary contains a compound called rosmaricine that seems to relieve headaches much the way aspirin does but without irritating the stomach. It has been shown to improve memory and has demonstrable evidence of inhibiting the growth of cancer in lab animals. Desk Reference to Natural Medicine, National Geographic Society (2006).

Sage for salvation

The herbs genus name salvia means salvation or to be saved. Throughout history, there has been a belief in the herbs spiritual powers.

North American Indians would use smudge sticks of sage to purify rooms and to clear negativity. Ancient Arabic and Chinese herbalists believed that drinking sage tea enhanced mental and spiritual clarity. Germanys Commission E, a scientific panel that regulates herbal medicine, states that sage has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and astringent properties.

It has research supporting its treatment of cold sores, herpes, and Alzheimer. Desk Reference to Natural Medicine, National Geographic Society (2006).

Thyme for courage

Throughout the ages, thyme has been associated with courage. Greek soldiers allegedly rubbed it on their chest before battle. Romans put it in their baths to impart vigor, courage and strength. Courtly ladies embroidered thyme sprigs on the scarfs they gave to their knights. Desk Reference to Natural Medicine, National Geographic Society (2006).

Although thyme can be toxic in high doses, it is rich in a volatile oil called thymol which is a powerful and proven antiseptic, antibiotic and antifungal. From the 15th through the 17th centuries, thyme was used to combat the plagues that swept through Europe and as recently as World War I the essential oil was used as a battlefield antiseptic.

In the 1990s, Scottish researchers found lab animals fed with thyme oil aged more slowly than those who did not receive it. Desk Reference to Natural Medicine, National Geographic Society, (2006).

Herbalist Susun Weed opines that thyme tea gives courage to the heart and slows the aging process. Her recipe for thyme tea is one teaspoon of dried thyme (or one handful of fresh). Fill the teapot with boiling water and the thyme and steep for two to three minutes. Add one teaspoon of honey per cup. Enjoy.

Victoria Quesada is a nature-study enthusiast from Hamilton.

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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme - News - Utica Observer Dispatch

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