Learn How to Enhance Your Beauty and Wellness Inside and Out with Cosmetologist Helga Rekanaty’s Lively and Educational New Skincare Guide – PR Web

"Beauty Has Its Own Rules" by Helga Rekanaty.

ISRAEL (PRWEB) January 06, 2020

The skincare industry is currently experiencing a significant spike in popularity as consumers and influencers begin to embrace bare faces, natural looks and organic products. Helga Rekanaty, cosmetologist, author and owner of Helga Rekanati Aesthetics Center in Israel, wants to help people navigate and learn how to better take care of themselves throughout life with her new book Beauty Has Its Own Rules: Everything There Is to Know on the New World of Beauty Treatments.

In this vibrant and detailed guide to cosmetic health and self-care, Rekanaty draws from her 30 years of experience and research in cosmetology, Chinese medicine and nutrition to educate readers on ways to care for themselves inside and out by changing nutrition habits and taking advantage of traditional and new beauty and anti-aging treatments on the market.

Rekanaty covers a wide range of topics including the different types of skin and function of the skin, superfoods to fight aging, how to correct skin problems such as cellulite and acne, how to identify and treat skin damage, common skin-related surgeries and benefits of aesthetic treatments. She also takes a whole-body approach to cosmetic wellness by discussing care of the feet, nails, body and hands.

Rekanaty was inspired to pursue cosmetology after she overcame an illness that nearly took her life. When I was diagnosed with Castleman disease, I felt like Id lost control of my health, she said. After enduring four surgeries to remove tumors, I decided if I could overcome my disease and live, I would make a drastic change and devote myself to learning all about medicine and wellness. Now that I am well, I feel honored to help men and women learn about and embrace the best treatments for them.

Beauty Has Its Own Rules: Everything There Is to Know on the New World of Beauty TreatmentsBy Helga Rekanaty ISBN: 9781543751147 (softcover); 9781543751161 (hardcover); 9781543751154 (electronic) Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the authorHelga Rekanaty is a Chinese medicine expert, shiatzu master, cosmetologist and owner of Helga Rekanati Aesthetics Center, based in Israel. There, she has helped transform lives through traditional and advanced cosmetic and anti-aging treatments delivered by doctors and plastic surgeons for over 30 years. She is the founder of Helgas 3-Step Methodology, a graduate of chemistry indoctrination and advanced peelings and holds a bachelors degree in Jewish philosophy. To learn more about Rekanaty and the book, visit HelgaRenakatyBeautyRules.com. To learn more about the services Rekanaty offers at the Center, visit her at http://www.helga.co.il.

For Review Copies and Interview Requests:LAVIDGE PhoenixKalin Thomas480-648-7540kthomas(at)lavidge(dot)com

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Learn How to Enhance Your Beauty and Wellness Inside and Out with Cosmetologist Helga Rekanaty's Lively and Educational New Skincare Guide - PR Web

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