Colon Cleansing Has No Health Benefit, May Harm: Report

(HealthDay News) -- Despite the popularity of colon cleansing, there's no evidence that the procedure -- which can be done at home or in day spas -- offers any health benefits, a new study finds.

However, colon cleansing can cause serious side effects ranging from vomiting to kidney failure and death, the authors of the report say.

Colon cleansing -- also called colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy -- often involves the use of chemicals followed by flushing the colon with water through a tube inserted in the rectum, explained the Georgetown University researchers.

They analyzed 20 studies about colon cleansing that were published over the last decade and found little evidence that the procedure offers any benefits. Instead, a number of the studies noted side effects such as cramping, bloating, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance and kidney failure.

The findings appear in the August issue of The Journal of Family Practice. Read more...

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