Biohacking Nutritionist, Nathalie Niddam, Transforming Thousands of Individuals Health & Energy with Personalized Nutrition and Peptides – Press…

The certified Bulletproof Human Potential Coach and Apeiron Epigenetic Coach mentors and helps others look and feel their best.

Nathalie Niddam is a biohacking nutritionist helping executives around the world improve their health and energy through peptides, genetics and nutrition. She works with numerous individuals to help them look and feel their best.

With an emphasis on personalized nutrition, Nathalie is also a certified Bulletproof Human Potential Coach and an Apeiron Epigenetic Coach. She facilitates a fast-growing Facebook Group called BioHacking SuperHuman Performance: Peptides, Genetics and Nutrition. The group explores and discusses the benefits of Peptides, a new area of regenerative and anti-aging medicine as well as a wide range of other strategies to optimize health and performance. Niddam will also launch her current podcaston iTunes this month.

Nathalie partners with high-performing individuals who are motivated to reclaim their energy and health. Her highly-effective personalized coaching program includes helping clients gain a thorough grasp of their genetic potential so that they can leverage it to their utmost advantage. Each session addresses nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress resilience that helps clients regain a sense of balance so that they can optimize key areas of their lives.

So many people think that getting older means they have to live in a state of pain and fatigue moving closer and closer to developing chronic diseases, and that is simply NOT the case, Niddam explains. Through our programs, we take people back to that place where they look and feel as good as they ever did, if not better. There is no doubt that during this particular time, taking care of your health is more important than ever.

I call her my Holistic Goddess! describes one of Nathalies clients, Kathleen. She was recommended to me by my chiropractor and working with Nathalie has been an interesting, fun, and, yes, life changing experience.

Kathleen also explains how food sensitivity testing, gut healing protocols, supplements, exercise adjustments, sleep tracking, meditation, stress relief, were all some of the factors that Niddam took into account when experimenting with Kathleens diet to find the right eating program. [The program] works for me long term. Energy has gone up, sleep has improved, stress is better managed, and weight has gone down, adds Kathleen.

For more information on Nathalie Niddam, visit her website at

About Nathalie Niddam

Nathalie Niddam is a nutritionist and health coach who combines her lifelong love of science with her passion for food and her desire to help people achieve vibrant health and longevity.

She is a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and a member of the first graduating class of Bulletproof Human Potential Coaches.

Media ContactContact Person: Nathalie NiddamEmail: Send EmailPhone: 416-567-5849Country: United StatesWebsite:

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Biohacking Nutritionist, Nathalie Niddam, Transforming Thousands of Individuals Health & Energy with Personalized Nutrition and Peptides - Press...

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