Baby Boomers are Flocking to Injectable Hormone Replacement Therapy

Benjamin Franklin once said, the only thing certain is death and taxes. For all of us, there is no escape from aging, at least not yet. As it stands right now, there is no cure for aging, even though some futurists are saying stem cell and gene therapy research will lead to human immortality in the next 20 to 40 years. Stem cell and gene therapy are still in the clinical trial phases, and will likely not be available to the full mainstream for another 10 or more years. Right now however, there is Hormone Replacement Therapy, considered one of the greatest medical breakthroughs of our time. People who want to transform their lives, and reduce or even reverse the gathering accumulation of aging associated disease are turning to HGH or Sermorelin Injections and Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). It is available right now and it's 100% legal to get it from a physician in the united states to treat hormone deficiency.

Let's Talk About Hormone Decline in Men and then Women

It doesn't matter how good you eat and how much you exercise, you can only slow down the aging process, not stop it, eventually no matter how much you go to the gym or eat right, every part of your body is degenerating at different speeds. A 50 year old who worked out his whole life, and could bench press 375lbs one day strained his his back and could no longer lift weights, he got and MRI and the doctor noticed degeneration in the spine. The patient asked the doctor how is it possible that the areas between his vertebrae degenerated when he ate right, took vitamins and worked out. The doctor told him the unfortunate news, eventually serious medical problems are coming, even for the rare people who live to be over 100 yeas old. The patient had blood tests done, sure enough, he was low in IGF-1 and testosterone, despite working out 4x a week for 90 minutes. The doctor prescribed him HGH and Testosterone within 3 months, the patient claimed he felt better than he did 20 years ago. If you are not feeling like you're old self, and are having serious problems with your health, get your hormone levels checked. It's a really easy blood test, if you live in the United States and want to schedule a blood test, take the first step:

Introduction to Andropause (Male Menopause) Low T, Low Testosterone and Hypogonadism

Millions of men in the United States are suffering from from different degrees of Andropause which is often centered around low testosterone (low T), medically called Hypogonadism. Sadly only a small number of men get treatment for it and even more sad, is that many doctors are not specialists in TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Fortunately there are Testosterone Clinics for men specializing in testosterone prescriptions. Weight gain and depression are not the only prominent symptoms of Low T (low testosterone), the lack of desire for sex and poor performance in bed can be one of the biggest problems for men in a relationship or seeking female companionship. Hormone decline and Low T can cause a man to have emotional and mood changes that are swift and unplanned, especially known as grumpy old man syndrome, getting angry or upset easily. Low T is also associated with memory loss, declining motivation, mental fatigue, weak heart, poor cardiovascular system, inability to do physical activities for a long period of time. Some studies indicate Testosterone has anti-inflammation properties as well, which could explain why some men experience inflammation as a result of low testosterone. One third of men who have heart attacks have low testosterone, which is not surprising, because testosterone is key to muscle strength, development and maintenance. Testosterone supplementation via injections or cream, can bring back the youthfulness of men who seek to treat testosterone deficiency.

Though testosterone is not the only deficiency in men, Human Growth Hormone deficiency can also plague men. Both of these hormones work fantastically together for men deficient in them, because the scientific medical approach behind hormone replacement therapy seeks to replace all hormone deficiency together, not just approaching the problem singularly with single hormones. Men who go on proper hormone replacement therapy programs have communicated astonishing changes in their quality of health. HGH injections with a testosterone program can do wonders for hormone deficient men.

Hormone Treatment for Women.

Men are not the only people affected by low hormone and deficiency, women suffer from the age related decline of hormones decades before menopause. Women experience very similar symptoms as men when hormone decline sets in from an expanding mid section, gain of cellulite around the thys and buttocks, to adipose (fat) deposits swelling around the lower abdomen area. Women can also experience the inability of the vagina to lubricate itself which can cause discomfort during sex. Experiencing "hot flashes" is a common symptom of hormone decline in women. Depression, fatigue, emotional mood swings, crying for no reason, bouts of anger or sadness without a reason, moodiness, getting upset easily, starting fights and rapid mood changes plague women with hormone deficiency.

To learn more about hormone deficiency visit Hormone Replacement Clinic for a Hormone Blood Deficiency Test.

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