Anti-Aging Medicine: Now and the Near Future | antiaginghacks


Anti-Aging medicine has come a long way. From the first A4M conference in Vegas in 1994 to the new phase of regenerative medicine that we are entering, it has been a wild ride.

In the past, most of anti-aging medicine was based on balancing your hormones so that you could feel like youryounger self from 5 or 10 years ago.

Now with the second phase of anti-aging medicine which includes a host of regenerative practices we can actually turn back the body into a much younger version of yourself (15 or 20 years even).

Listen to the lively interview with one of the original anti-aging doctors who has been extensively in this field for 25 years Dr. Philip Lee Miller.

First of all, Dr. Miller shares how we works with his patients tohelp themachieve their goals. He checks and reviews hormones such as Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Thyroid, Adrenals and may more.

Next we discuss the near future of anti-aging medicine and what developments he sees on the near horizon. Dr. Miller touches on Senolytics for Senescent cells, Telomere extension drugs, winning the war over cancer, and tumor suppressors.

Dr. Miller shares some of his anti-aging hacks, which are overlooked by most of us.

We also discuss his unique anti-aging hacks that we can use to look and feel younger while we live longer and healthier.

Links to Dr. Millers websites:




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Anti-Aging Medicine: Now and the Near Future | antiaginghacks

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