A dog year isn’t seven human years, scientists find, and pets might be ‘older’ than you think – Telegraph.co.uk

"This makes sense when you think about it - after all, a nine-month-old dog can have puppies, so we already knew that the 1:7 ratio wasn't an accurate measure of age," said senior author Dr Trey Ideker,professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Scientists say this new comparison between dog ageing and humancould be helpful for vets, so they can work out whether illnesses in dogs are age-related.

The formula provides a new "epigenetic clock," a method for determining the age of a cell, tissue or organism based on a readout of its epigenetics, which are chemical modifications like methylation, which influence which genes are "off" or "on" without altering the inherited genetic code.

Previous studies have found epigenetic clocks for humans, but these don't translate to other species and may not even be the same for other humans.

One limitation of this clock is they only used blood from Labradors, and different breeds are known to live for different amounts of time. Dr Ideker plans to test more breeds, but said thatsince it's accurate for humans and mice as well as Labrador retrievers, he predicts the clock will apply to all dog breeds.

"I have a six-year-old dog -- she still runs with me, but I'm now realising that she's not as 'young' as I thought she was," DrIdeker added.

He said dogs are interesting to study because they live so closely with us, perhaps more than any other animal, so a dog's environmental and chemical exposures are very similar to humans, and they receive nearly the same levels of health care.

The research could be useful for humans, not just their pets. The scientists believe the epigenetic clock could be used to test anti-ageing treatments, to see if they had made any difference to the methylation patterns in the genome and therefore altered the 'age' of human cells.

"There are a lot of anti-ageing products out there these days -with wildly varying degrees of scientific support," Dr Ideker said,"But how do you know if a product will truly extend your life without waiting 40 years or so? What if you could instead measure your age-associated methylation patterns before, during and after the intervention to see if it's doing anything?"

See the original post:
A dog year isn't seven human years, scientists find, and pets might be 'older' than you think - Telegraph.co.uk

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