5 tips to feel fitter at 50 than you did at 20

Getting older doesnt mean feeling older. In fact, you can feel healthier in your 50s than you did in your 20s.

You dont have to feel sluggish or gain weight. said Dr. Joseph Upton, medical director of Pro Sports Clubs Anti Aging Center. We can turn back the hands of time and be very fit and healthy.

Dr. Upton has been practicing medicine for over 17 years. Through his experience with preventative medicine and extensive research into anti-aging medicine, he has helped patients overcome metabolic disorders and achieve healthy lifestyles.

Recent scientific studies have shed light on what causes aging. There are a myriad of factors including hormonal decline, the shortening of the caps on our chromosomes called telomeres, genetics, stress and chemicals.

The good news is these scientific discoveries also reveal what it takes to combat aging. According to Upton the fountain of youth is accessible to everyone and as simple as adopting and healthy lifestyle.

While this sounds like the same advice we hear any age, Upton says as we get older we have less of a margin for error when it comes to things like diet and exercise. Therefore, while adopting a healthy lifestyle is something we should do not matter if your 15 or 50, once we reach middle age its important to be more diligent about healthy habits.

With that in mind, Upton shares top five tips for feeling fitter in your 50s than you did in your 20s.

Exercise Regularly

As we age, we dont have to give up our favorite hobbies like hiking, kayaking or taking spin classes. In fact, a regular exercise routine is crucial to feeling healthy and vibrant in any decade. Exercise also increases blood flow to the body and brain, so a regular workout schedule will also help improve your memory.

As you age, incorporating strength training into your workouts becomes especially important, since strength training not only builds muscle it also prevents muscles loss. People can build muscles well into their 90s, said Upton.

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5 tips to feel fitter at 50 than you did at 20

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