Its a proven fact: Sauerkraut is the best hot dog topping (sorry, deli mustard). But did you know that its also a nutritional powerhouse? And that you can just eat it by the forkfulno hot dog necessary? Read on for everythingyouneed to know about the many health benefits of sauerkraut, including how to make your own and why we care so much about probiotic foods in the first place.
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Sauerkraut (which literally meanssour cabbagein German)was originally invented as a way to preserve cabbage. Itsmadeby mixing together shredded fresh cabbage and salt, and pressing down on the mixture, which releases water and causes fermentation. Its usually eaten as a topping on hot dogs or served on top of foods like salads and scrambled eggs, or simply eaten out a jar in the refrigerator.
What Is Sauerkrauts Nutritional Information?
Per one cup, sauerkraut has...
Well dive deeper into the importance of probiotics and gut health a little later, but well kick things off by saying that one of the most important benefits of sauerkraut is its probiotic prowess. A small study conducted by DenmarksUniversity of Copenhagenfound that when patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) added sauerkraut to theirdiet, they noticed a reduction of their symptoms.
2. It Contains a Lot of Dietary Fiber
Fiber is one of those nutrients that we know is good for us but were not entirely sure why. As it turns out, dietary fiber can aid in digestion, balance blood sugar andpossiblyhelp lower cholesterol. Cholesterol-wise, a study published intheWorld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnologyfound that sauerkraut, specifically, can help to lower levels. Foods with fiber also keep youfuller longer,meaning you wont be as tempted to overeat (you might even lose weight).
3. It Could Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Adding to sauerkrautsrsumas a healthy superhero iscancer-related researchconducted at theUniversity of Witten/Herdecke in Germany. Experiments found that high levels of glucosinolates, ascorbigen and ascorbic acid decrease DNA damage and cell mutation rate in cancerpatients, and sauerkraut is known to have a high content of these compounds. But before you fill your entire pantry with jars of fermented cabbage, researchers noted that more studies would be required and that the level of concentrationand therefore efficacyof those three compounds depends on the fermentation conditions of the cabbage.
4. It Could Promote Brain Health
The brain and thegastrointestinal systemare closely connected, meaning that whats happening in the brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines, and vice versa. According toHarvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School, A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. Therefore, a personsstomach or intestinal distress can be the causeorthe product of anxiety, stress or depression. More research is needed to specifically study the link between specific types of food and mental health, but early studies (likeresearch conducted atJohns Hopkins) haveshown that probiotic foods may help improve memory, support cognition and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Lucky for us, sauerkraut is incredibly easy to make at home. All you need is cabbage, salt, water and a jar to store it in. Heresaneasy-to-follow recipe fromThe Real Food Dietitians,which ferments in four to 14 days. In a nutshell, youll need toslice the cabbage with a knife or mandoline, massage it with saltwhich will create a brineand transfer it to a jar to ferment in the refrigerator.
If you decide to go the store-bought route (were all busy; we get it), there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure youre getting the most nutrients out of the experience. First, buy raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut, since the pasteurized kind doesnt offer the same probiotic benefits. Also avoid the shelf-stable stuff and opt for a brand in the refrigerated section (theyll often have live and active cultures printed on the label). Lastly, be aware of salt content. Its impossible to make sauerkraut without it, but if youre monitoringyour sodiumintake, its important to be aware of how much salt is in the recipe youre making or the jar youre buying.
OK, we admit it: Sauerkraut can be an acquired taste. If youre not crazy about kraut, here are eight other foods that will help you get your fill of good bacteria.
Yay,your favorite martini garnishis also good for your gastrointestinal tract. Thats because olives packed in brine are actually a fermented food thats rich ingut-friendly lactobacillus bacteria. Theyre also high in fiber and antioxidantscheers to these juicy gems.
This tangy beverage is made by fermenting milk with bacteria and yeast, and its actuallyan even better source of probiotics than yogurt. It also boasts high levels of nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamin B12 and magnesium. Use it the same way you would its creamier cousin (we like ours poured over cereal).
Now you know that probiotics are great for your gut. But did you know that in order to reap the benefits, you actually need to feed good bacteria withprebiotics(i.e., non-digestible fiber that helps the good bacteria in your body thrive)? Luckily,chocolate contains both of these ingredients, plus high levels of antioxidants and nutrients. So itsbasicallymedicine. (Just keep an eye on your overall sugar intake, OK?)
While not all cheeses are a good source of probiotics (sorry), some soft, fermented ones like cheddar, Swiss and Gouda are since they contain bacteria that can survive the journey through your gastrointestinal tract. To make sure youre getting the right stuff, look out for live and active cultures on the label.
The fermented Asian dish made with cabbage, radishes and scallions is loaded with gut-friendly bacteria.Researchers from Koreahave also found evidence that this spicy, briny dish can help you stay slim. Try it mixed with brown rice or on its own as a tasty side.
A Japanese study published in theJournal of Applied Microbiologyfound that thesebright-greenvegetables containLeuconostoc mesenteroides, a powerful probiotic.
Great news for pickle lovers (guilty): When these green spears are brined in salted water and fermented, they create beneficial bacteria. Just make sure to opt for the naturally fermented kind (i.e., ones where vinegar wasnt used in the pickling process) to reap the probiotic benefits. Dill-icious.
The sour taste of our favorite soup vessel comes from the fermentation process, during which yeast and good bacteria work their magic to break down the sugar and gluten in flour. This makes nutrients easier to digest and absorb. And while the baking process kills off the live cultures, sourdough bread is a great prebiotic, andthere is evidence to suggestthat even dead probiotic bacteria has some impressive anti-inflammatory health benefits.
Were so glad you asked. Without getting too science-y, it allgoes back to your microbiome. The microbiome is the collection of trillions of microorganisms that live in and on our body,nutritional scientist Tracy Shafizadeh, Ph.D.,tells us. The majority of microorganisms are bacteria; some good and some bad. And while these microorganisms live all over the body, recent research has revealed that the ones found in your gut (aka the gut microbiome) are especially important to your overall health.
The gutmicrobiome is related to conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns disease, colitis and acidreflux. Alot of research going on right now is connecting gut health with autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disorder, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity,explains biochemistErikaAngle, Ph.D.,CEOofgut microbiome testIxcela. The gut microbiome is such a hot area now because people are realizing its not just its own system. Its actually linked to your brain health, emotional health, cardiovascular health and other systemsas well. Whoa.
While some factors that influence your gut health are outof your control, there are plenty of things you can do to change your gut microbiome. Thats because your gut is a competitive environment, whichmeans youcan give an advantage to the good bacteria over the bad bacteria by feeding them a certain way. Factors that can help the good guys? A healthy and varied diet rich in nutrients, supplements (oh hey, probiotics) and exercise,Anglesays. And in even better news,a study published inSciencemagazinefound that tea, coffee and wine can also help improve the diversity of gut microbes. (BRB, pouring a glass ofcab sav.)
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Read the rest here:
4 Major Health Benefits of Sauerkraut (and How to Make It at Home) - Yahoo Lifestyle
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