Masters Men's Clinic For Andropause (Male Menopause …

This is your source of information on men's health including the diagnosis and treatment of male menopause known as andropause.

Whether you're playing competitive sports, noticing the aches and pains of middle age or are further along life's road, the Masters Men's Clinic on andropause, anti-aging and wellness is for you.

There are different challenges and struggles depending on your age, health and life experiences. The role of the Masters Men's Clinic is to improve the quality of life for every man --- no matter where they are on the journey.

This website is a window into what we're doing at the clinic. Check it out! To keep in touch, sign up for our free email newsletter by clicking on the link . We'll also announce special events and products on this website.

Welcome to our women visitors as well. We know from our experience in men's health that is often the spouse or partner who takes the initiative to help men understand their health and well-being.

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The Masters Men's Clinic Andropause Radio

The Masters Men's Clinic Andropause Radio

Life Changing!

Andropause is real! The large percentage of men with low testosterone are not being treated for their andropause. These results are identical with what we have found in our Canadian clinic. If you or a loved one thinks they are suffering from low testosterone you or they should seek knowledgeable physicians like those at the Masters Men's Clinic for diagnosis, education and treatment.

Check out this recent article from Journal of the American Medical Association - click here

Check out the many topics covered in the Questions and Answers sent in to Dr. Komer on Men's Health. Go to Ask Dr. Komer to see general questions sent in by visitors to the website.

Women's Sexual Desire Research Study

Women in you life are invited to see if they may qualify for a medical research study for women concerned about their decreased sexual desire. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness and safety of an investigational medication for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD).

Each individual will be evaluated to determine her eligibility. If they qualify, theyll receive study medication, medical exams, and lab tests at no charge. Financial compensation for time and travel may also be available.

Visit our Clinical Trials page for more information on Dr. Komer's Women's Health website

Learn more about the revolutionary Thrive Program offered by the Masters Men's Clinic.

Click Here For The

Thrive Program

Brochure In PDF Format

- or visit the Thrive Program website

Click PR Newswire for Article

Dr. Larry Komer, MD F.R.C.S.C. Medical Director

Gordon Tonnelly, CCPE (Endocrinology) Clinic Director (pictured on left)

The Toronto Rock

Dr. Komer (far left) is the Team Physician of the World Champion Toronto Rock Lacrosse Team.

He is pictured here with the rest of the medical and the training staff 2005

A referral from your doctor is required for an appointment.

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