You Are Here Letterpress Prints in Stock!

You Are Here poster by Roll&Tumble press available at the Street Anatomy store

You Are Here 12” x 18” hand printed letterpress poster

You Are Here poster by Roll&Tumble press available at the Street Anatomy store

You Are Here poster by Roll&Tumble press available at the Street Anatomy store

The You Are Here letterpress prints are back once again by popular demand at the Street Anatomy store!

Display your love for that special someone by showing them exactly where they’re located in your big anatomical heart.

  • 12” x 18” hand printed letterpress poster
  • Five color hand carved lino cut
  • Hand set vintage metal type
  • Printed one color at a time in charcoal gray, pale yellow, red, blue and black
  • French 80# cover, true white
  • Created and hand printed by the fine folks at Roll and Tumble Press in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Available at the Street Anatomy store for $25. 50 available. Free skull sticker packs with every order.


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